Burr Arch
Theodore Burr of New York patented, in 1804, the Burr Arch. The design combined a large arch with a multiple kingpost truss. The addition of an arch was a traditional way of strengthening an existing truss.
Childs Truss
Horace Childs developed, in 1946, the Childs Truss, which was used exclusively after 1883 by Ohio bridge builder E.S. Sherman. The truss added diagonal iron rods to a multiple kingpost design.
E.S. Sherman, a bridge builder from Vermont, won the contract to build 14 Childs Truss bridges and one Kingpost Truss bridge in Preble County between 1886 and 1896. He moved to Eaton right after the storm in 1886 and won the contract due to the fact that the bridges he built were so sturdy, economical and quickly erected. The following bridges are still standing today in different parts of Preble County.