christman covered bridge
Located on Eaton-New Hope Road
The question of whether to build wood or iron bridges was debated in the county
and the Christman bridge was built amidst a storm of controversy. The 100
foot Bridge was built in 1895 and named from Solomon Christman who owned the
farm south of the location. This bridge was constructed by E. S. Sherman for
$1,301.00 and Harry C. Foster did the masonry work on the abutments for
$499.00. The stone was hauled from the nearby Eaton Stone Company quarry for a
total cost of $2,452.00.
The Christman Bridge is located on Eaton – New Hope Road in Washington Township.
The rehabilitation was started in December 2007 and completed in June of 2008 at
a cost of $331,093.75. Bridge inspections showed deterioration of this
structure requiring extensive repairs to keep the bridge as an active and
working bridge. County Engineer Steve Simmons secured the project with 95%
Federal Funding and 5% Local funds.